Sunday, March 29, 2009

Big Easy Pork Terrine

I was home a few extra days this week and being back on my Low-Carb diet, (since the last post) I needed some protein. I first thought about meatloaf, but then I found I had some Brawnschweiger (liver spread) in the fridge, so I decided to make a terrine. Pretty much the same as a meatloaf, only fancier name.

It was very simple, dice up some onion, mix all the ingredients together, then let it cook forever. HERE is a link to the recipe. You can cut it in half if you'd like. I call it the "Big Easy Terrine" not for New Orleans (The Big Easy) necessairily, but because it's really easy and it's FRIGGIN' HUGE.



1 comment:

  1. Definately sounds like it's low carb, or if it has any there aren't very many in it.

    Always looking for easy recipes, plus it sounds pretty darn good.


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